I used to be a starving artist, not knowing how to market or sell my work – or even ask for money! I read a ton of books and attended many classes from teachers and gurus who said they could … Continue reading
Tag Archives: business
Does this sound familiar? “I’ve really been struggling I just can’t seem to accomplish what I want I feel so frustrated! I don’t know how to change this pattern! In Reach Your Goals, I reveal to you what to do. … Continue reading
Does your business success depend upon your ability to get into and stay “in the zone,” that place of calm, connected to your intuition and an ability to respond rapidly, efficiently and effectively? If so, you’ll love this Wealth Maverick … Continue reading
What are the basic 9 steps you need to take to convert your passionate endeavors into profitable products and services? Do you know them and use them…in the right sequence? When you download and print out this short ebook, you’ll … Continue reading
TURN into A PRODUCTIVITY MASTER! People ask me all the time “how can you be so amazingly productive—writing all your books, doing your radio shows, painting and carving and coaching….” This is NOT time management! You get my Seven Secrets … Continue reading
HOW to USE THE POWER of YOUR ANGER RIGHT In our culture, you’re not ‘supposed’ to get angry or sad or worried, right? So…what are you supposed to do – push those feelings deep inside to stew and grow, and … Continue reading
GET ALIGNED WITH YOUR DREAMS! Even if you have you been freaking out about ‘the economy’ and how ‘bad’ things are? Even if you’ve lost your job, or feel like you have to stick with a job you hate, or … Continue reading
Your body’s electrical system holds more potential power than the sun. But no one ever taught you how to access that power or how to use it. We were trained from the get-go to be afraid, to hang back, to … Continue reading
Do you ever feel like you just want to be you, without everyone telling you that you’re crazy, or that you ‘should’ be doing this or that? If you’ve struggled to find your ‘core message’… If you wonder sometimes if … Continue reading
Simple, powerful questions to help you Get What You Want…fully illustrated ways to think and be to stay on track and keep an even mind… step by step process to get out of the blues and into creating the way … Continue reading