The Land of Ammaze! – eBook & Print Book

The Land of AmmazeeBook & Print Book

LOA-COVER-FRONT-5hPeople have been trying to get me to publish these in a book for years, and I’ve finally done it – now you can get eBooks and Print Books of the Land of Ammaze.

The Land of Ammaze is a series of paintings I did right after I got a very direct, very surprising message from my ‘higher self.’

You’ll see what the message was, how it saved my life, and how the series was born and completed.

Read more about and get the Land of Ammaze eBook & Print Books HERE


Little Red Tapping Books: Tap to Get Over Your Bursitis Pain – eBook & Audio


If you do – whether in your own shoulder or in another part of your body, you’ll love how you can reduce your pain and even eliminate it easily by listening to how I tap with my client, Susan.

This is a powerful example of how addressing the underlying emotional pain helps you release the actual, physical pain you are experiencing.

You’ll see how! I encourage you to use this process for yourself with any specific problem.

CLICK HERE: read more & get the Tap to Get Over Bursitis Pain eBook & Audio

Little Red Tapping Books: How to Be Super Productive – eBook and Audios

cover-be-super-prod-4hTURN into A PRODUCTIVITY MASTER!

People ask me all the time “how can you be so amazingly productive—writing all your books, doing your radio shows, painting and carving and coaching….”

This is NOT time management! You get my Seven Secrets to Stupendous Production; and we do some powerful tapping (of course!).

You get my sure-fire system that will help you do as much as you want to do in as much time as you want to do it in.

CLICK HERE: to read more & get the Be Super Productive eBook & Audio

Little Red Tapping Books: Release Anger and Frustration – Ebook & Audio

anger-frust-cover-4hHOW to USE THE POWER of YOUR ANGER RIGHT

In our culture, you’re not ‘supposed’ to get angry or sad or worried, right? So…what are you supposed to do – push those feelings deep inside to stew and grow, and eventually leak out at the most inappropriate times? No!!!

I’m going to reveal to you how, instead of feeling upset and spewing your rage all over people, you really can use the energy of anger, cleaned up, to create what you want in your life and business.

You’ll be surprised to see how you can turn your anger and your frustration around, completely dissolving, and becoming beautiful powerful creative energy that you can access any time, any place.

CLICK HERE: read more & get the Release Your Anger & Frustration eBook and Audio

Little Red Tapping Books: Prosperity Mindset #2


Are you totally confident that you can handle just about any situation you’re in?

Do you know how to create what YOU want?

Do you know who you really are, at the core, with a good strong sense of yourself in your body, on the planet, in life?

Are you crystal clear about where you’re going in your life and business?

CLICK HERE to read more and get the Prosperity Mindset #2 eBook and Audio

Don’t Take Away My Chocolate! – FREE eBook

choc-cover4hCLICK HERE to get your FREE ebook, and…a special treat! – you can watch the youtube video I made of the book….

Hope you enjoy it –

CLICK HERE to watch the Don’t Take Away My Chocolate! video and get your FREE eBook! –



Soups, Smoothies & Delectable Drinks – eBook

cover-5hCan’t eat solid, fibrous or chewy foods? Here are lots of delectable, easy recipes to keep you full, fed and happy until you can chew again!

Who do you know who:
•  can’t chew
•  have had dental surgery or
•  have no teeth – and thus, can’t eat?

Soups, Smoothies & Delectable Drinks may be the only thing left that enables you to eat. These recipes take the “I can’t eat anything!” and the “I’m so bored with soup” out of eating only liquids. There’s more than recipes, too….

Read more about and get Soups, Smoothies & Delectable Drinks Ebook HERE

Little Red Tapping Books: Prosperity Mindset #1 – eBook & Audio


Even if you have you been freaking out about ‘the economy’ and how ‘bad’ things are?

Even if you’ve lost your job, or feel like you have to stick with a job you hate, or can’t find one.

Even if you’re a start-up entrepreneur, an artist, energy practitioner…whatever. You can take control of your fear and use the energy underlying it in the way it was supposed to be used: for creativity, fulfillment and joy!

CLICK HERE to read more and get the Prosperity Mindset #1 eBook and Audio.

Tap into Your Power & Success – FREE eBook

tap-success-285Your body’s electrical system holds more potential power than the sun.

But no one ever taught you how to access that power or how to use it.

We were trained from the get-go to be afraid, to hang back, to ‘be nice’, not speak out—don’t be loud, don’t run around, don’t have fun….

What to do about that??? This:

Get this FREE eBook and tap along with me as I take you through a whole bushel of un-supportive business and marketing beliefs so you can get clear and ready to rock in your biz!

CLICK HERE to get your FREE Tap into Success eBook


I Just Want to Be Me – New FREE eBook

just-want-2-b-me-cover-285Do you ever feel like you just want to be you, without everyone telling you that you’re crazy, or that you ‘should’ be doing this or that?

If you’ve struggled to find your ‘core message’…

If you wonder sometimes if your mind is playing tricks on you…

You’ll like this fun little eBook!

CLICK HERE to get your FREE I Just Want to be Me eBOOK